Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
To address the nation's increased demand for science and technology professionals, 4-H set out to reach a bold goal of engaging one million new young people in science programs.
Animal Science
Market Animal Program: For youth 9 to 19 years old. Youth choose a species of animal(beef, diary beef, swine, sheep or goat) which they would like to raise and then sell at auction during the county fair. Participants attend either volunteer led club meetings or the countywide club meetings monthly. Approximately nine meetings of one hour each plus time spent caring for the animal.
Poultry, Rabbit and other non-market Animals: For youth 5 to 19 years old. Youth choose a species of animal they would like to learn more about, own and/or take to the county fair.Participants attend either volunteer led club meetings or countywide club meetings monthly. Approximately nine meetings of one hour each plus time spent caring for the animal.
Horse Program: For youth 5 to 19 years old. Youth participate in volunteer led club programs to learn about horses and the responsibilities that come with owning an equine. Youth have the opportunity to evaluate to ride and participate in county fair. Approximately nine meetings of one hour each plus time spent caring for the animal.
Dog Program/Club: For youth 5 to 19 years old. Youth participate in a volunteer led county wide dog club. All youth planning to participate in this program must attend dog club meetings and training programs/meetings. Approximately nine meetings of one hour each plus time spent caring for the animal.
Animal Knowledge Contests (Hippology, Horse Bowl,Poultry Science, Avian Bowl & Dairy Bowl): For youth 9 to 19 years old. Volunteer led teams memorize facts and information about specific animal species and compete on the local, state and possibly national levels.Participants are expected to attend regular meetings determined by the team leaders.
Natural Resources
Naturalist Program: Youth ages 9 to 19 will meet monthly to explore different areas of interest including, but not limited to forestry, Birds in Your Backyard, hiking, fly tying and fishing. Must have a minimum of five participants for the program to be offered.
Other Opportunities
Tractor Safety: For youth 14 to 16 years old. Youth learn about safe tractor and machinery operations as specified by the National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Certification Program. Nine classes of 2 hours each. Travel to different locations (machinery dealers).
Teen Advisory Committee: For youth 13 to 19 years old. Youth participate in monthly meetings to advise the 4-H office concerning such items as awards, record books and other programming concerns. Teens also work on a 4-H yearbook for the current years programming. Twelve meetings of 1.5 hours each.
Public Presentations: Youth develop a presentation to be given at the countywide and regional Public Presentation events.Youth may present on any topic that is of interest to them. A presentation workshop will be offered one month before the Public Presentation event and youth will have the opportunity to move onto the regional and state levels.
Last updated April 30, 2020