4-H Youth Development is the world's largest dynamic, informal educational program for young people based on democratic principles.
Caring Relationships and Community Spirit
traditions of 4-H are organized around the notion of building community
spirit and social capital or connections among individuals. All youth
need caring, supportive relationships in their lives and 4-H Youth
Development programs create opportunities for long-term relationships.
A Cooperative Venture
authority for the 4-H Youth Development program is vested in a
cooperative structure between youth, interested adult volunteers, the
professional expertise of the Land Grant University, and local, state
and federal government, specifically the United States Department of
Agriculture. Creating opportunities for youth to develop skills and
confidence for leadership and self-discipline is a cornerstone of 4-H.
Taking the University to Youth in Communities
Youth Development is the only youth program with direct access to
technological advances in agriculture and life sciences, home economics,
human development, and related areas, which results from Land-Grant
University research. The foundation of 4-H Youth Development is in the
practical application of the Land-Grant University knowledge by the
youth in their communities.
Constructive Learning Experiences Learning by Doing
4-H Youth Development program creates opportunities for youth to
develop skills, practical knowledge, and wisdom through observing,
doing, and living through experiences. The 4-H Youth Development
emphasis is on practical application of knowledge or learning by doing
to develop skills and acquire a sense of responsibility, initiative, and
self-worth. Youth learn how to discover knowledge and develop
themselves by personalizing experiences, raising questions, and seeking
answers important to themselves, their families, peers, and community.
Creating Opportunities of Youth by Educating Adults
Youth Development professionals create opportunities for young people
to build skills, exercise leadership, form relationships with caring
adults, and help their communities. The 4-H Youth Development program
believes that youth development is not something you do to youth, but is
the result of programming with youth and is dependent upon the family
and other adults in the community. As a result, 4-H Youth Development
focuses on educating adults to important youth development principles
and practices to ensure that 4-H Youth Development programs create
positive opportunities for young people to reach their full potential.
What is the essence of the 4-H Youth Development movement?
* To create opportunities which promote positive youth development
* To teach knowledge and life skills
* To engage young people in the work of the Land-Grant University
Prepared by Cathann A. Kress, Director, Youth Development Cooperative State Research, Education & Extension Service (CSREES) United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Last updated October 4, 2024