
4-H Sheep Rules and Regulations

1. All 4-H youth project sheep must have been owned or leased (leased see New York Youth Livestock Non-Ownership Policy),and cared for by the exhibitor, and must be registered with a 4-H Project Animal Registration certificate at the CCE, TC 4-H office by:  (a) June 1 of the current year for market lambs, and (b) June 1 of the current year for breeding sheep.

2. The youth must show their own animals, unless they have more than one animal in a class.  A sheep can only be shown in one showmanship class.

3. All 4-H youth sheep entries must conform to the Animal Health Regulations of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, and the Tioga County Board of Health Order.

4. The CCE, TC staff or the New York State Department of Agriculture & Market Veterinarian are authorized and empowered to cause the removal from the buildings and grounds of all animals failing to meet the health conditions specified.

5. All 4-H youth sheep entered in breeding classes must be properly identified.  Registration papers must be in the exhibitor’s name.

6. Lambs entered in breeding classes may not be shown in market classes, nor may lambs entered in market classes be shown in breeding classes.With the exception being the ewe production class.  Only wether and ewe lambs may be shown in market classes.

7. All 4-H youth sheep exhibitors must enter one of the showmanship classes.

8. Rams are limited to yearlings, senior, and junior lambs.

9. All market lambs should be slick shorn. If this is not possible, no more than ½ inch of wool will be allowed.

10. No horns allowed on market lambs.

11. No rams allowed in showmanship classes.  It is the responsibility of each youth to make sure his/her sheep is properly castrated.

12. Sheep that become sick at the fair will be dismissed without question if deemed necessary by the state vet.

13. Classes must have three entries each or they will be combined.

14. Exhibitors are urged to dress in white shirts or blouses with neat and clean long pants or slacks, and laced shoes/sneakers with socks.

15. On show days, all care, fitting, and grooming must be done by the 4-H youth.No parents, adults or professional groomsmen may help with project animals.

Market Sheep

4-H youth must be a full member (age 8 on or after January 1st of the current year or older) to participate in the 4-H Market Sheep Program.  Youth participants raise a feeder lamb for approximately 4 months and then show the animal at the Tioga County Fair.  At the conclusion of the fair the youth raisers auction off their market lambs to the highest bidder for the meat market. The youth participant receives the money from the auction, minus commission, to pay for the costs of raising the animal and any left over is theirs to save or spend.

Sale Lambs must be born on or after Dec. 1 of the previous year. The Livestock Sale Project Chairman reserves the right to reject any lambs lacking appropriate finish to be marketed.

SALE LAMBS– will be divided into sections based on weigh-in weight.  Lambs are expected to weigh between 80 and 145 pounds.

Market lambs may be divided into the following classes based on weight:lightweight, intermediate weight, middle weight and heavyweight.  The Livestock Sale Project Chairman will make the final determination of classes.

HOMEBRED – non-sale market lambs bred and born with own ram and ewe (80 – 145 pounds).  Must be born on or after Dec. 1 of the previous year.

Last updated July 26, 2019