For youth 5 to 19 years old. Youth participate in volunteer led club programs to learn about horses and the responsibilities that come with owning an equine.Youth have the opportunity to evaluate to ride and participate in county fair. Approximately nine meetings of one hour each plus time spent caring for the animal.
It is the responsibility of the rider, or the parent or guardian of the exhibitor to see to it that the head gear worn complies with the appropriate safety standards as set forth in the official 4-H policy. Cornell Cooperative Extension, New York State, 4-H, Tioga County, and the New York State Fair make no representation or warranty expressed or implied about any protective head gear, and cautions riders that death or serious injury may result despite wearing such protective head gear, as all equestrian sports involve inherent dangerous risk, and as no helmet can protect against all foreseeable injuries.
Exhibitors are responsible for the humane treatment and well being of any horse in their care. They are to be treated humanely and with dignity and respect.Showing competitively is of secondary importance.
1. All 4-H youth project horses, owned and non-owned, (leased see New York Youth Livestock Non-Ownership Policy), must have been in the care of the exhibitor, and must be registered with a 4-H Project Animal Registration certificate at the CCE, TC 4-H office by April 1 of the current year.
2. All horse project members must have a copy of their horse’s current rabies and Coggins (neg.) records on file in the Tioga County4-H Office no later than April 1 of the current year.
3. Each specific event is governed by rules developed for that event per the NYS 4-H Horse Show Rules.All horse club leaders should have a copy of the rulebook.
4. In general, the rules developed for each specific event will take precedence over general rules if there is any variation.
5. All youth horses must conform to the rules and regulations of the Livestock Health requirements as determined by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, and the Tioga County Board of Health Order.
6. The CCE, TC staff or the New York State Department of Agriculture & Market Veterinarian are authorized and empowered to cause the removal from the buildings and grounds of all animals failing to meet the health conditions specified.
7. Refer to the NYS 4-H Horse Show Rules for the most complete details of each specific event.
A. Equines
1. All equines must be at least 24 months of age. No intact stallion or jack over 12 months of age may be present at a 4-H event, show, clinic, etc.
2. All equines in ridden and driven classes must be 3 years of age and older.
3. Members may designate all personally or family owned equines as project animals. Family will be defined as the legal guardian, as well as husband, wife, parent, step-parents, child, brother, step-child, sister, half brother and sister, grandmother and grandfather, and in-laws of the same relation.
4. Members not owning or using a family owned equine may designate one non-owned equine as their project animal.A non-owned equine may be shown by different youth in different divisions. A non-owned equine may not be shown by multiple youth in junior and senior classes except in fitting and showmanship.
5. Each exhibitor shall present the required health certificates to show officials at the time of check-in.
6. All equines entered as ponies will be measured at check-in. For all divisions, ponies = 14.2 hands or less.
B. Exhibitors and Entries
1.Youth must be Tioga County 4-H Horse Project members to enter this show.
2. Cloverbuds are 5 to 7 years old as of January 1 of the current year and may participate only in Cloverbud designated classes.
3. All other 4-H horse project members must be 8 years old as of January 1 of the current club year and no older than 19 years as of January 1 of the current club year. A member must 9 years old as of January 1 of the current year to qualify for state fair participation.
4. A judge, CCE, TC staff person, or a designated Horse Committee representative shall have the authority to inspect all tack and equipment and to require the removal, replacement or alteration of any piece of equipment deemed by the judge, technical delegate or division chair to be unsafe, inappropriate for a 4-H show or which would give the equine or the exhibitor an unfair advantage.
5. All youth participating in the 4-H Horse Show shall wear a properly fitted and secured, officially approved protective helmet at all times when mounted on an equine or seated in a vehicle being pulled by one or more equines. Exhibitors must present their helmet for inspection and approval at the time of check-in before the show begins.
6. Proper equestrian footwear with a distinguishable heel shall be worn at all times a rider is mounted on an equine, or is in a vehicle being pulled by one or more equines while in the show grounds area. Proper footwear is also strongly recommended at all times the exhibitor is actively involved with their equine while on the show grounds.
7. All 4-H horse project members must have successfully completed a 4-H Horse Evaluation Test and hold a current Riding Level to enter this show.Those youth may show only in the level of their latest evaluation. Click here for more information on Riding Levels
C. Procedures
1. Unless there is an official veterinarian available, the judge has the authority to dismiss from any class or the show any horse judged to be unsound or is apparently carrying a disease or other condition which would preclude appropriate or safe performance.
2. The show committee may dismiss from any class, the show, or the grounds any exhibitor who is cruel and abusive of a horse, fails to follow or obey instruction, cannot maintain control of an unruly or inadequately trained equine or fails to cooperate with show management or other exhibitors.Known kickers must wear a red tail ribbon.
3. The decisions of the judges are final and represent a non-protestable expression of individual preference, unless a decision is alleged to be in violation of rules.
4. A judge, CCE, TC staff person, or a designated Horse Committee representative shall have the authority to inspect all tack and equipment and to require the removal, replacement or alteration of any piece of equipment deemed by the judge, technical delegate or division chair to be unsafe, inappropriate for a 4-H show or which would give the equine or the exhibitor an unfair advantage.
5. The show committee reserves the right to combine, divide, or cancel classes if entries warrant.
6. On show days, all care, fitting and grooming must be done by the 4-H youth. No parents, adults or professional groomsmen may help with project animals.
7. No patterns or courses will be used that will jeopardize the safety of the equine or the exhibitor.
8. Delay of classes:youth are expected to be at the in-gate when class is called.There will be no waiting for late arrivals.A maximum of 5 minutes shall be allowed for tack changes, provided the announcer is notified in advance.
9. Exhibitors cannot cross-enter classes.
Last updated June 17, 2020