
4-H Dairy Rules and Regulations

1. All 4-H youth project dairy cattle must have been owned or leased (leased see New York Youth Livestock Non-Ownership Policy),and cared for by the exhibitor, and must be registered with a 4-H Project Animal Registration certificate at the CCE, TC 4-H office by June 1 of the current year.

2. All animals must be properly entered by the entry deadline.  No substitutions are allowed.

3. No deviation from the printed rules and regulations, the numbers, or class descriptions will be permitted unless initiated by the CCE staff, designated leaders, or requested by the judge.

4. All 4-H youth must show their own animals unless they have more than one animal in the same class.

5. All 4-H youth dairy cattle must conform to the rules and regulations of the Livestock Health requirements as determined by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, and the Tioga County Board of Health Order.

6. The CCE, TC staff or the New York State Department of Agriculture & Market Veterinarian are authorized and empowered to cause the removal from the buildings and grounds of all animals failing to meet the health conditions specified.

7. Health and registration papers will be required on all cattle.  Exhibitors must have papers available upon arrival at the fairgrounds.  Cattle may be either owned or non-owned and must fit under either a. or b.

a. All cattle must be registered to, and owned and cared for by the youth exhibitor no later than May 1 of the current year.  Dual ownership or syndicates are not allowed.

b. All non-owned cattle must be in the youth exhibitor’s name and cared for by that exhibitor by no later than May 1 of the current year.

8. An appropriate brand, legible tattoo, or tag number must permanently identify all dairy entries.

9. On show days, all care, fitting, and grooming must be done by the 4-H youth.  No parents, adults or professional groomsmen may help with project animals.

10. Exhibitors are to wear a white shirt and white pants.  Safe foot attire (closed toe shoes)must be worn.

11. There are no classes for bulls.

12. Exhibitors who have registered breeding cattle must have the registration papers with them.  All registration papers must be original certificates.  NO COPIES unless otherwise stated by Breed Associations.

Last updated October 6, 2021