4-H Enrollment

Expectations: Enrollment Dates:

All youth attending 4-H meetings and programs who are age 5-19 need to enroll in 4-H.    Youth that were members the previous year must re-enroll no later than January 5 to participate in the Fair.  

Those members that are new to 4-H may enroll no later than April 1 to participate in the Fair.  

Annual 4-H membership fee

$30.00 per family-Base Fee/for families that reside in Tioga County. For those living outside Tioga County, there is an additional fee of $5.00/youth in addition to the base fee.  Covers insurance costs, year end awards and record books with binder.

Parent Commitment

Volunteer three hours of time or opt for a $25.00 buy-out: As part of the 4-H program, office staff relies on help from parents and volunteers to make our events happen. See enrollment forms for volunteer selections.

4-H Food Booth & Dairy Bar during the fair

All 4-H members are expected to complete a 3-hour shift working in the Food Booth and Dairy Bar during the Tioga County Fair. This is the only fundraiser for 4-H programming and helps offset costs of programming. This is not considered a Parent Commitment.

Late Fee - $10.00

All late paperwork will incur a late fee if not turned in on or before the deadline. Late paperwork or documents will be accepted up to one week past the due date. After one week no late documents will be accepted.

Cancellation Policy

All youth participants have until two weeks prior to the start of the program/project to cancel their participation without penalty. If you do not cancel two weeks prior to a class all program fees for that program are non-refundable.

Last updated September 22, 2022