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Earn DEC Pesticide Recertification Credits by attending this workshop.


Plant STNY DEC Credits Day

  • Wednesday, March 4, 2020, 8:45 AM - 3:00 PM

Need DEC pesticide credits? Like to keep up with the latest in pest management in the landscape and nursery industry? Join us March 4, 2020 for a full day of presentations -- the information will be rich, but the cost to you is a bargain.

5 DEC Credits applied for in Core, 3A and 3B

Topics include:  

Top Insect and Disease Pests of Landscape Shrubs and Trees (3A)

Best Management Practices for Turf and Managing Turf Pests and Diseases (3A, 3B)

Invasive Forest Pest Updates (3A)

Diseases of Apples and Crabapples and how to Manage Them (3A)

NYSPAD Demonstration and Introduction to Cornell Pesticide Resources (Core, 3A)

Using Arboject to Treat Pests

Use PayPal to register for the DEC Credits Day (see upper left of webpage).  If paying by check, please call (607) 687-4020 to register.


$40 for PlantSTNY members; $50 for non-members


CCE Tioga
Next Generation Farm
343 Cass Hill Road
Candor, NY 13743

Last updated February 11, 2020